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a b c d e f g h i l M n N o p q r s S t u _


assemble_where Function in class dal
Assemble a where statement
$access_roles Variable in Class dal
$alphamons Variable in Class gadm_date_command
Provides a translation table for 3 letter month names to month numbers.
add_sess_setup Function in class sess_manager
Add state setup
alter_value Function in class sess_manager
Sets the permament value of a state var
assemble Function in class sess_manager
Build an URL from the state vars.
assign Function in class template


build_column_list Function in class dal
Runs a select statement on a single table or view.
bot Function in class dal
Starts a transaction
block_sql_inject Function in class dal
Blocks SQL injection attacks
build_limit_statement Function in class dal
build_filter_block Function in class genericadmin
Processes a submitted filter block and build a new one.
build_tabular_display Function in class genericadmin
Build the tabular display block
build_form_block Function in class genericadmin
Build a form block for updating or inserting data
build_detail_block Function in class genericadmin
Builds a detail view block
build_tabular_edit Function in class genericadmin
Build tabular edit block
$block_filter Variable in Class genericadmin
Stores the values of the filter block


cache Class cache.
$content Variable in Class cache
command_factory Class command_factory.
Implements a factory method pattern
count Function in class dal
Runs a count(*) statement on a table.
commit Function in class dal
Commits a transaction
checkinput Function in class gadm_date_command
Performs an input check on the datetime, matching it against the format_form
checkinput Function in class gadm_command
executes the command
checkinput Function in class genericadmin
Handles input checking
checkfilterinput Function in class gadm_date_command
Performs an input check on the datetime, matching it against the format_form
checkfilterinput Function in class gadm_command
construct Function in class gadm_command
actual constructor function, see comments!
$command_types Variable in Class gadm_command
Contains possible command type and the classes,which represent them
check_filter_input Function in class genericadmin
Handles input checking of the filter block
compile_question Function in class genericadmin
Builds a confirmation question
cancelled Function in class genericadmin
$currrow Variable in Class genericadmin
Stores the current data row


dal Class dal.
Provides a high level database abstraction layer
dal Function in class dal
db_connect constructor function
delete Function in class dal
Deletes a record from a table based on database definitions.
debug_notice Function in class dal
Handles printing of SQL statements for debugging
$dbdef Variable in Class dal
Stores the database definitions array
$dbdef Variable in Class genericadmin
Contains a reference to the db definition array
$dblinks Variable in Class dal
$dateformats Variable in Class gadm_date_command
Stores the date formats available
$db Variable in Class gadm_intertable_command
Local db object
$db Variable in Class genericadmin
Used to store a reference to the Database Layer
dirname(__FILE__)."/dbmodel.php" Included file in class gadm_intertable_command
dirname(__FILE__)."/gadmrowcommand.php" Included file in class genericadmin
Special command class, which handles a command run on a complete row, not on single
dirname(__FILE__)."/gadmintertablecommand.php" Included file in class genericadmin
Special command class for foreign key relationships.
dirname(__FILE__)."/gadmenumerationcommand.php" Included file in class genericadmin
Special command class for fields that contain enumerations.
dirname(__FILE__)."/command_factory.php" Included file in class genericadmin
Class, that is used to instantiate the different command classes, depending
dirname(__FILE__)."/gadmcommand.php" Included file in class genericadmin
dirname(__FILE__)."/gadmdatecommand.php" Included file in class genericadmin
define Function in class template


error Function in class dal
Handles the error
error Function in class genericadmin
returns the value of the error property
error Function in class template
$error Variable in Class dal
Error flag.
$error Variable in Class genericadmin
Stores, if there's an error.
$error Variable in Class template
execute Function in class gadm_date_command
Runs a format conversion on a date(time)
execute Function in class gadm_enumeration_command
Return the display for an enumerated field.
execute Function in class gadm_intertable_command
Returns the appropriate display for the foreign key field.
execute Function in class gadm_row_command
executes the row command
execute Function in class gadm_command
executes the command
$errors Variable in Class genericadmin
Stores errors
evaluate Function in class template


field_include Function in class dal
Check, if field should be included.
fetch Function in class dal
Runs a simplified select statement on a single table or view.
fetch_restricted Function in class dal
$fieldname Variable in Class gadm_command
Fieldname, the command operates on, if applicable.
$filter Variable in Class genericadmin
Stores the current value of the filter settings
$fixedstate Variable in Class sess_manager
fixed state values
functions Module functions.
Contains unrelated functions that are used by other classes in the package


getnextrow Function in class dal
Fetches the next row from a resultset.
$glink Variable in Class dal
Stores the current database connection
get_f_table Function in class table_relations
Returns the table a foreign key in a table points to
get_first_f_table Function in class table_relations
returns the an assotiative array with the first table which is
get_fkey_by_subtable Function in class table_relations
returns the name of an fkey for a referenced table. This is used to look up
get_sub_tables Function in class table_relations
returns a partition of the top down view: an array with all tables that
get_src_complexity Function in class table_relations
Get src complexity of the relation.
get_zero_src_complexity_text Function in class table_relations
Get src complexity text
get_filter Function in class table_relations
Returns the filter definitions for the relationship.
get_filter Function in class genericadmin
Returns the current filter settings and preprocesses them if necessary
gadm_date_command Class gadm_date_command.
Handles fields that contain date/time values
gadm_date_command Function in class gadm_date_command
gadm_enumeration_command Class gadm_enumeration_command.
Handles fields that contain enumeration values
gadm_intertable_command Class gadm_intertable_command.
Handles relations between tables together with the
gadm_intertable_command Function in class gadm_intertable_command
initialies the intertable command
gadm_row_command Class gadm_row_command.
Handles functionality which is applied to a whole database row.
gadm_command Class gadm_command.
genericadmin Class genericadmin.
Provides a complete admin interface on data tables.
genericadmin Function in class genericadmin
Initilialises the generic admin
get_sort_order Function in class genericadmin
$gadmaction Variable in Class genericadmin
Stores the currently valid action
get_sid Function in class sess_manager
Returns the Session Identifier
get_value Function in class sess_manager
Get Value of state var
get Function in class sess_manager
Reads the incoming URL
get_template Function in class template
get_assigned Function in class template


handle_request Function in class genericadmin
Controls all actions.
handle_error Function in class genericadmin
htmlsel Function in module functions
Creates a html select-tag from an array


insert Function in class dal
Inserts a record into a table based on database definitions.
$is_tabular Variable in Class genericadmin
is_safe Function in class template


$lsqlres Variable in Class dal
Stores the last result resource id
$localtablecache Variable in Class gadm_intertable_command
Caches the referenced tables.


MAX_SESSION_LOGIN_TIME Constant defined in class sess_manager
Maximum login time


ns_fetch_restricted Function in class dal
Runs a nested set query on a table
$notice Variable in Class genericadmin
Stores notices


No Package specified Package


$optable Variable in Class gadm_command
Table, on which the command operates.
$oldstate Variable in Class sess_manager
state old values


produce_command Function in class command_factory
Produces an command
pack_field_value Function in class dal
Pack a field into quotes or not.
pack_field_name Function in class dal
Pack a fieldname.
process_table_rel Function in class table_relations
Process table relations
process_external Function in class genericadmin
Handles command exectution of a row.
process_rowfuncs Function in class genericadmin
Processes row level commands
process_filter Function in class genericadmin
Processes filters from different sources into the local filter settings
prepare_filterblock Function in class genericadmin
$pagesize Variable in Class genericadmin
Stores the current page size
$page Variable in Class genericadmin
Stores the current page
$pk Variable in Class genericadmin
Stores the value of the primary key.
preparse_template Function in class template
parse Function in class template


quot Function in class genericadmin


runsql Function in class dal
Sends an SQL string to the database.
rollback Function in class dal
Rolls back a transaction
reset_sess_values Function in class genericadmin
resets all values in the state manager which are used in generic_admin
$root Variable in Class template
$root_evaluated Variable in Class template


$sender Variable in Class gadm_command
Sender of the command invocation.
set_table Function in class genericadmin
Sets the value of the table to work on and resets the filter
$sess Variable in Class genericadmin
Used to store a reference to the State/URL Manager
$subtables Variable in Class genericadmin
sess_manager Class sess_manager.
URL and state manager class.
sess_manager Function in class sess_manager
set_sid Function in class sess_manager
Sets the Session Identifier
set_selffn Function in class sess_manager
Sets the self filename
set_type Function in class sess_manager
Sets up one statedef
set_value Function in class sess_manager
Sets the temporary value of a state var
set_values_to_empty Function in class sess_manager
Sets a set of state vars temporarily to the empty string
session_start_logged_in Function in class sess_manager
Saves parameters for a login session
session_logout Function in class sess_manager
Logs out, deletes the session and cleans up the data
session_is_logged_in Function in class sess_manager
Check if login session is still valid and make it current
$stateval Variable in Class sess_manager
state var array.
$statedef Variable in Class sess_manager
state var definition.
$sess_identifier Variable in Class sess_manager
sess identifier
$selffn Variable in Class sess_manager
self filename
set_root Function in class template
show_unknowns Function in class template
show_parse_tree Function in class template


SESS_STATE_TYPE Constant defined in class sess_manager
array index in URL state var definition


$tbl_prefix Variable in Class dal
Stores a table prefix.
table_relations Class table_relations.
Capsules the relations between tables in the data model. This is used
table_relations Function in class table_relations
constructor function
$tr_bu Variable in Class table_relations
Array that holds all information for foreign keys in a
$tr_td Variable in Class table_relations
Array that holds all information for foreign keys in a
$tpl Variable in Class genericadmin
Used to store a reference to the Template System
$table Variable in Class genericadmin
Stores the current table, we're working on
$tabular_data Variable in Class genericadmin
Stores the current data rows of a table edit view
template Class template.
template Function in class template


update Function in class dal
Updates a record into a table based on database definitions.
update_with_key Function in class dal
unquot Function in class genericadmin
un_set Function in class sess_manager
Unsets the permament value of a state var
utime Function in class template
un_post Function in module functions
Redirects the request to one without a POST submit


_open_db Function in class dal
Opens a connection to the database. Currently a persistent connection is always used.
_db_quoter Function in class dal
Does the appropriate quoting for the database.
_alpha_mon_2_num_mon Function in class gadm_date_command
Translate 3 letter month in month number
_match_a Function in class gadm_date_command
Matches a value against a list of dateformats
_format_as Function in class gadm_date_command
Formats a timestamp in a certain format
_package_primary_key_name Function in class gadm_intertable_command
Creates a serialized name from a possible composite primary key in
_package_primary_key Function in class gadm_intertable_command
Creates a serialized value for the possibly composite pk from a
_check_table_cache_status Function in class gadm_intertable_command
Checks if the requested table is already cached in the local
_save_constructor_params Function in class gadm_command
save the parameters of the constructor in the class variables.
_unpack_primary_key_data Function in class genericadmin
Unpacks primary key data
_process_commands Function in class genericadmin
Processes high level commands
_process_low_level Function in class genericadmin
Processes low level commands
_checkinput_for_field Function in class genericadmin
Handles input checking for a field
_process_external_for_field Function in class genericadmin
Processes command for a field only
_process_form_formatting_funcs Function in class genericadmin
Processes form formatting commands
_check_settings Function in class genericadmin
Checks settings, generic admin can't run without
Packageindex Classtrees Modulegroups Elementlist Report XML Files
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