Packageindex Classtrees Modulegroups Elementlist Report XML Files




1 Warning(s).
[function] produce_command mismatch
4th parameter '&$gadm' does not match the documented name '$gadm', update the tag to '@param object genericadmin &$gadm reference of the initiator if the command' or '@param object genericadmin reference of the initiator if the command', the variable name is optional.


19 Warning(s).
[function] build_column_list mismatch
2nd parameter '$use_table_name' does not match the documented name '$appendwhere', update the tag to '@param string $use_table_name a where clause which reduces the resultset.' or '@param string a where clause which reduces the resultset.', the variable name is optional.
[function] build_column_list mismatch
3th parameter '$use_select_view' does not match the documented name '$order', update the tag to '@param string $use_select_view an order by clause to sort the resultset' or '@param string an order by clause to sort the resultset', the variable name is optional.
[function] build_column_list mismatch
The parser found '3' parameter but '6' @param[eter] tags. You should update the @param[eter] list.
[function] update_with_key missing
1st parameter '$table' is not documented add '@param (object objectname|type) [description]' to the end of the @param[eter] list.
[function] update_with_key missing
2nd parameter '&$row' is not documented add '@param (object objectname|type) [description]' to the end of the @param[eter] list.
[function] update_with_key missing
3th parameter '$currkey' is not documented add '@param (object objectname|type) [description]' to the end of the @param[eter] list.
[function] build_limit_statement missing
1st parameter '$table' is not documented add '@param (object objectname|type) [description]' to the end of the @param[eter] list.
[function] build_limit_statement missing
2nd parameter '$use_table_name' is not documented add '@param (object objectname|type) [description]' to the end of the @param[eter] list.
[function] build_limit_statement missing
3th parameter '$appendwhere' is not documented add '@param (object objectname|type) [description]' to the end of the @param[eter] list.
[function] build_limit_statement missing
4th parameter '$order' is not documented add '@param (object objectname|type) [description]' to the end of the @param[eter] list.
[function] build_limit_statement missing
5th parameter '$limitstart' is not documented add '@param (object objectname|type) [description]' to the end of the @param[eter] list.
[function] build_limit_statement missing
6th parameter '$limitpgsize' is not documented add '@param (object objectname|type) [description]' to the end of the @param[eter] list.
[function] build_limit_statement missing
7th parameter '$use_select_view' is not documented add '@param (object objectname|type) [description]' to the end of the @param[eter] list.
[function] fetch_restricted missing
1st parameter '$table' is not documented add '@param (object objectname|type) [description]' to the end of the @param[eter] list.
[function] fetch_restricted missing
2nd parameter '$appendwhere' is not documented add '@param (object objectname|type) [description]' to the end of the @param[eter] list.
[function] fetch_restricted missing
3th parameter '$order' is not documented add '@param string [description]' to the end of the @param[eter] list.
[function] fetch_restricted missing
4th parameter '$limitstart' is not documented add '@param string [description]' to the end of the @param[eter] list.
[function] fetch_restricted missing
5th parameter '$limitpgsize' is not documented add '@param string [description]' to the end of the @param[eter] list.
[function] fetch_restricted missing
6th parameter '$use_select_view' is not documented add '@param integer [description]' to the end of the @param[eter] list.


1 Warning(s).
[function] get_filter missing
3th parameter '$datarow' is not documented add '@param (object objectname|type) [description]' to the end of the @param[eter] list.


1 Warning(s).
[function] _check_table_cache_status missing
2nd parameter '$remove_filter' is not documented add '@param (object objectname|type) [description]' to the end of the @param[eter] list.


4 Warning(s).
[function] construct mismatch
4th parameter '&$sender' does not match the documented name '$sender', update the tag to '@param object genericadmin &$sender reference of the initiator if the command' or '@param object genericadmin reference of the initiator if the command', the variable name is optional.
[function] checkinput mismatch
2nd parameter '$val' does not match the documented name '$value', update the tag to '@param mixed $val value to handle' or '@param mixed value to handle', the variable name is optional.
[function] checkfilterinput missing
1st parameter '$func_name' is not documented add '@param (object objectname|type) [description]' to the end of the @param[eter] list.
[function] checkfilterinput missing
2nd parameter '$val' is not documented add '@param (object objectname|type) [description]' to the end of the @param[eter] list.


3 Warning(s).
[function] _process_external_for_field mismatch
1st parameter '$func_usage' does not match the documented name '$function_usage', update the tag to '@param string $func_usage The context in which the command is used, ie the "event"' or '@param string The context in which the command is used, ie the "event"', the variable name is optional.
[function] quot missing
1st parameter '$un_quoted' is not documented add '@param (object objectname|type) [description]' to the end of the @param[eter] list.
[function] unquot missing
1st parameter '$quoted' is not documented add '@param (object objectname|type) [description]' to the end of the @param[eter] list.


2 Warning(s).
[functions] sess_state_type mismatch
@see referrs to the function 'setype()' which is not defined in the class. Entry gets ignored.
[function] session_logout mismatch
Function head shows no parameters, remove all @param tags.


22 Warning(s).
[function] template missing
1st parameter '$pathToTemplates' is not documented add '@param string [description]' to the end of the @param[eter] list.
[function] set_root missing
1st parameter '$root' is not documented add '@param (object objectname|type) [description]' to the end of the @param[eter] list.
[function] is_safe missing
1st parameter '$filename' is not documented add '@param (object objectname|type) [description]' to the end of the @param[eter] list.
[function] get_template missing
1st parameter '$template' is not documented add '@param (object objectname|type) [description]' to the end of the @param[eter] list.
[function] show_unknowns missing
1st parameter '$line' is not documented add '@param (object objectname|type) [description]' to the end of the @param[eter] list.
[function] preparse_template missing
1st parameter '$template_name' is not documented add '@param (object objectname|type) [description]' to the end of the @param[eter] list.
[function] preparse_template missing
2nd parameter '$template' is not documented add '@param (object objectname|type) [description]' to the end of the @param[eter] list.
[function] preparse_template missing
3th parameter '&$arrdef' is not documented add '@param (object objectname|type) [description]' to the end of the @param[eter] list.
[function] preparse_template missing
4th parameter '$level' is not documented add '@param integer [description]' to the end of the @param[eter] list.
[function] show_parse_tree missing
1st parameter '$template' is not documented add '@param (object objectname|type) [description]' to the end of the @param[eter] list.
[function] evaluate missing
1st parameter '$template' is not documented add '@param (object objectname|type) [description]' to the end of the @param[eter] list.
[function] evaluate missing
2nd parameter '$pname' is not documented add '@param (object objectname|type) [description]' to the end of the @param[eter] list.
[function] parse missing
1st parameter '$template' is not documented add '@param (object objectname|type) [description]' to the end of the @param[eter] list.
[function] parse missing
2nd parameter '$pname' is not documented add '@param (object objectname|type) [description]' to the end of the @param[eter] list.
[function] assign missing
1st parameter '$template' is not documented add '@param (object objectname|type) [description]' to the end of the @param[eter] list.
[function] assign missing
2nd parameter '$tpl_array' is not documented add '@param (object objectname|type) [description]' to the end of the @param[eter] list.
[function] assign missing
3th parameter '$trailer' is not documented add '@param string [description]' to the end of the @param[eter] list.
[function] get_assigned missing
1st parameter '$template' is not documented add '@param (object objectname|type) [description]' to the end of the @param[eter] list.
[function] get_assigned missing
2nd parameter '$parsevar' is not documented add '@param (object objectname|type) [description]' to the end of the @param[eter] list.
[function] define missing
1st parameter '$fileList' is not documented add '@param (object objectname|type) [description]' to the end of the @param[eter] list.
[function] error missing
1st parameter '$errorMsg' is not documented add '@param (object objectname|type) [description]' to the end of the @param[eter] list.
[function] error missing
2nd parameter '$die' is not documented add '@param integer [description]' to the end of the @param[eter] list.


2 Warning(s).
[module] ../phpdbedittk/genericadmin.php collision
PHPDoc is confused: module files must not contain classes. Doc will probably be broken, module gets ignored.
[class] collision
Warning: found a module comment in a class file. Module comment gets ignored, doc might be broken.


2 Warning(s).
[module] ../phpdbedittk/sess.php collision
PHPDoc is confused: module files must not contain classes. Doc will probably be broken, module gets ignored.
[class] collision
Warning: found a module comment in a class file. Module comment gets ignored, doc might be broken.


1 Warning(s).
[function] process_table_rel mismatch
PHPDoc found 1 syntax error(s) in the tag list. Tag: '@see tr_bu, tr_td' - Could not understand all references. Use function() to referr to functions and to referr to variables - don't know what 'tr_bu' referrs to.Use function() to referr to functions and to referr to variables - don't know what 'tr_td' referrs to.. Syntax: '([^\s]+(?:::))?([^:][a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\xzf-\xff]*\(\s*\))' (function), '([^\s]+(?:::))?([$][^:][a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\xzf-\xff]*)' (variable), '([^\s]+)' (module or class)..

Packageindex Classtrees Modulegroups Elementlist Report XML Files
PHPDoc 1.0beta