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File: ../phpdbedittk/genericadmin.php



Provides a complete admin interface on data tables.


private class genericadmin

Provides a complete admin interface on data tables.
Genericadmin provides an interface to edit tables through awebpage. For this, is reads a complex array structure, whichis stored in the dbdef array (see the property description)
Data can be represented in 4 different views:
- Tabular: Displays the data in table form. Seebuild_tabular_display() for that.
- Detail: Display one row of the table as a tableof fields. See build_detail_block()
- Tabularedit: Displays the data in table form, but withform fields. See build_tabular_edit()
- Form: Display one row of the table as a table of formfields. See build_form_block()

In addition to that, genericadmin handles the processing of the data,depending on actions, which are appropriately specified in each view.This is done by the function handle_request(), which invokes allfunctionality like storing and fetching data, checking input etc.

For all displays there can be functions attached to externalise the inputchecking as well as how the data is displayed. These functions areorganised with the Strategy pattern. The class tree beginning withgadmcommand handles all functionality. Common functions are foreign keys,enumerations, input checking and display formatting.

Genericadmin depends on:
- the db_connect database abstraction layer class,where it uses mainly the high level sql commands.
- the sess_manager object to maintain the states of the GET-variables, whichare needed to identify single rows and the action to be taken on each link.
- the fasttemplate template system, which is used to produce the output.

Other functionality is:
- automatic production of comfirmation messages for delete
- filter system to apply filters to the data from different sources


Public Method Summary



Initilialises the generic admin

set_table(string $ltable)

Sets the value of the table to work on and resets the filter


returns the value of the error property


resets all values in the state manager which are used in generic_admin

compile_question(string $fktnname, string $fktnobj, string $runaction, string $cancelaction)

Builds a confirmation question


Processes a submitted filter block and build a new one.


Controls all actions.


Build the tabular display block


Build a form block for updating or inserting data


Builds a detail view block


Build tabular edit block

Private Method Summary


_unpack_primary_key_data(string $pkdata, array &$row)

Unpacks primary key data


Handles input checking


Handles input checking of the filter block

_process_commands(string $function_usage, array $larr)

Processes high level commands

_process_low_level(string $function_usage, array $larr)

Processes low level commands

process_external(string $function_usage, array $larr)

Handles command exectution of a row.

_checkinput_for_field(mixed $field_value, string $fieldname, array $fielddefs)

Handles input checking for a field

_process_external_for_field(string $func_usage, mixed $field_value, string $fieldname, array $fielddefs)

Processes command for a field only


Processes row level commands


Processes form formatting commands


Processes filters from different sources into the local filter settings


Returns the current filter settings and preprocesses them if necessary


Checks settings, generic admin can't run without


Warning: documentation is missing.


Warning: documentation is missing.


Warning: documentation is missing.

quot( $un_quoted)

Warning: documentation is missing.

unquot( $quoted)

Warning: documentation is missing.


Warning: documentation is missing.

Public Field Summary



Stores the current page size


Stores the current page


Stores the value of the primary key.


Stores the values of the filter block


Stores the current value of the filter settings

Private Field Summary



Contains a reference to the db definition array


Used to store a reference to the Template System
object db_connect


Used to store a reference to the Database Layer
object sess_manager


Used to store a reference to the State/URL Manager


Stores the current table, we're working on


Stores the currently valid action


Stores notices


Stores errors


Stores, if there's an error.


Stores the current data row


Stores the current data rows of a table edit view




Included files Summary, Type: include

dirname(__FILE__)."/gadmrowcommand.php" Special command class, which handles a command run on a complete row, not on single
dirname(__FILE__)."/gadmintertablecommand.php" Special command class for foreign key relationships.
dirname(__FILE__)."/gadmenumerationcommand.php" Special command class for fields that contain enumerations.
dirname(__FILE__)."/command_factory.php" Class, that is used to instantiate the different command classes, depending
dirname(__FILE__)."/gadmcommand.php" Warning: documentation is missing.
dirname(__FILE__)."/gadmdatecommand.php" Warning: documentation is missing.

Public Method Details


public void genericadmin( )

  Initilialises the generic admin
The constructor initialises references to the template system,the database layer, the state/url manager and initiales themessage arrays.

Returns void


public void set_table( string $ltable )

  Sets the value of the table to work on and resets the filter

string $ltable
name of the table
Returns void


public int error( )

  returns the value of the error property

Returns int

value of the error property


public void reset_sess_values( )

  resets all values in the state manager which are used in generic_admin

Returns void


public string compile_question( string $fktnname, string $fktnobj, string $runaction, string $cancelaction )

  Builds a confirmation question
Build a block together to get an action confirmed by the user. The templateused is question.tpl.

string $fktnname
Describes the action the admin interface asks for.
string $fktnobj
Describes the object the action is taken on.
string $runaction
the value for 'gadmaction',if the user confirms
string $cancelaction
the value for 'gadmaction', if the user cancels
Returns string

the value of the question template


public void build_filter_block( )

  Processes a submitted filter block and build a new one.
Checks, if there has been a filter block submitted and extracts information fromthat. This includes input_checking.
Then, builds a new filter block with the template "filter_block" and returns it

Returns void


public void handle_request( )

  Controls all actions.
This function will mostly be called first, before any display blockis build. Depending on the setting of the state variable gadmaction,first, the action is evaluated against a possible userdefined action. That way, the build-in action can also be overwritten.After that a switch statement processed the appropriate build-in action.

The function also sets the properties $gadmaction with the incoming action. Afterprocessing, the property is emptied, so that the same command is not build intolinks in the blocks.
Also $pk contains the primary key of the row, if the action processes one row only.

The possible actions are:
gototabularFetches rows to be displayed in tabular view mode. If a differentdatabase table is specified in "selecttablename", this table is used to fetch the data.This can be used to provide a view for displaying the data, but edit one table only.
gotodetailsFetches the row specified in gadmid (state variable) and putsit in $currrow. Also reacts on "selecttablename"
gotochangeDoes the same as gotodetails. Uses exactly the same code.
gototabularupdateFetches the appropriate data from the dbinto $tabular_data for the tabular update view.
gotoinsertafterPrepares the values for inserting a new leaf after another onein nested set mode. Nested set mode is not fully functional yet.
gotoinsertunderPrepares the values for inserting a new leaf under another onein nested set mode. Nested set mode is not fully functional yet.
tabularupdateProcesses a tabular update on all rows in the tabular update form.Firstly, the input checking is done.Tabular update includes checking, if a row has been changed at all. This check isonly done for rows, which have the "watchedupdate" set for at least one field.
The function also launches "ip2dbfuncs" commands and then "update" commands. After that,the rows are updated.
update Firstly runs an input check on the POSTed form block, then processes thedata with "ip2dbfuncs" functions and "update" functions. Then the data is updated. Doesn'tsupport "watchedupdate" yet.
Update also supports the update of a so-called subtable, which is a table, that referencesthis table with a primary key. This functionality is not fully available yet.
insertRuns a check on the form-block data. Then runs "ip2dbfuncs" functions on thedata and inserts it. After that, a possible autonumber primary key is copied back intocurrrow and "insert" functions are run on the data row.askfordeleteCompiles a standard confirmation message, to ask the user, if he wants todelete a row. If the user confirms, he issues the "delete" action, otherwise the "dcancel"message.
deleteDeletes a row by its primary key. After that "delete" commands are run on thedeleted row.
dcancelJust issues a standard message, that deleting has been cancelled.

Returns void


public string build_tabular_display( )

  Build the tabular display block
This is done by firstly putting together a heading line. Then, eachrow is processed with the "db2topfuncs" commands and build together toa table.
Each table row can contain action buttons for edit, detail and delete. It mayas well be, that these are ommited, because the primary key could not be read.This can be the case with "selecttable"s, that are based on a left outer join.
The function also supports putting HTML anchors in the first table field ofeach row, where a new letter begins. The behaviour of this is defined in thetable definitions with "letteranchor".

There is also disabled code included, that builds a (relative) link list to the anchorletters. This has to be seperated into a function at some point.

Returns string

the tabular view block


public string build_form_block( )

  Build a form block for updating or inserting data
This function first determines, if this is an insert operationor not. If it is, values from the state variable gadmpreset areput into the empty data row. This can be used to set foreign keys,user names and timestamps.
Then, data is processed with the row functions and "db2fopfuncs"functions and a tabular form is build. Depending on the value of"disptype" in the field definitions, the fields of the form arebuild. There are the following possible values:
staticHides the field values in a hidden form field
visiblestaticRepresents a field, which cannot be changed.This is done by a hidden field and a table row that displays thevalue.
strDisplay a normal text box, or if the values is an array,just the values of the first element of this array. This can beused to display about any content in the form.
txtareaDisplays a textarea
fileDisplays a file selector box. This also contains acheckbox to handle the deletion of the file and a hidden field,which contains the old value of the file, if this is an update.
boolDisplays a checkbox. The value of the field will bechecked with the normal php rules for evaluating true or false.
subtable Displays a subtable. This is not fully supported yet.

Returns string

a complete form block.


public string build_detail_block( )

  Builds a detail view block
A detail block is basically a form block, which only displays the values.For this, the data row is processed with the row functions and the"db2dopfuncs" and then build to a table.

Returns string

the resulting detail block


public void build_tabular_edit( )

  Build tabular edit block
This function needs a complete rewrite, as it messes around with the object

Returns void

Private Method Details


private array _unpack_primary_key_data( string $pkdata, array &$row )

  Unpacks primary key data
Unpacks primary key data. Input is a serialized data string with ";" as adelimiter. Output is a row array with filled primary keys. If the primarykey is not composite, it returns the value in the same way

string $pkdata
The serialized primary key data
array &$row
The row array to modify
Returns array

Modifies the parameter array


private void checkinput( )

  Handles input checking
Handles the checking of the form input for the current table. For this,it calls all input-check functions of each field defined in the dbdefinitions for the table.

Values in the POST array will be matched by searching for a input name exactlylike the name of the field definitions.

Values of the table are stored in $this->currrow. Values of subtables are stored in$this->subtables[$subtablename], errors are in $this->errors, $notices are in$this->notices

Returns void

See Also $currrow, $error, $errors, $notice


private void check_filter_input( )

  Handles input checking of the filter block
This is done similar to the normal input checking, but has to access differentfunction names. For example, filter block fields can be empty, normal fieldsnot necessarily.

Returns void

See Also $currrow, $error, $errors, $notice


private array _process_commands( string $function_usage, array $larr )

  Processes high level commands
Handles the processing of high level commands, which are in thegadmcommand command hierarchy. The function works on all fieldsof a row.

First, the function checks for a command object and instantiatesone if necessary, with the "Command Factory" (Abstract FactoryPattern). Then the command is executed.

string $function_usage
The context in which the command is used, ie the "event"
array $larr
the incoming row of field values
Returns array

the processed field values


private array _process_low_level( string $function_usage, array $larr )

  Processes low level commands
Handles the processing of low level commands, which are in thegadmcommand command hierarchy. The function works on all fieldsof a row.

The function works similar to the one processing high level commands, onlythat the command type is "dummy"

string $function_usage
The context in which the command is used, ie the "event"
array $larr
the incoming row of field values
Returns array

the processed field values


private array process_external( string $function_usage, array $larr )

  Handles command exectution of a row.
Executes commands which are attached to db fields. For this, it first checksif a high level command is defined for this field. In that case,_process_commands() is called.

After that, all other commands attached to a certain event type are called.This type of functions are deprecated and will slowly be replaced by highlevel commands. However, the events will be used still:inputfuncs perform input checking, at the moment not called here, but incheckinput
db2dopfuncs formatting for detail output
db2topfuncs formatting for table output
db2fopfuncs formatting for form output
insert after a record is inserted. This is handled by a row-function atthe moment.
update before updating a record.
filter when building the filter form field

string $function_usage
The context in which the command is used, ie the "event"
array $larr
the incoming row of field values
Returns array

processed row


private void _checkinput_for_field( mixed $field_value, string $fieldname, array $fielddefs )

  Handles input checking for a field
Checks the entered value of a field by calling all input-check functionsspecified for that field. Input checking functions can return a message.if $this->error is 1, this message is a error message (failure of inputcheck), otherwise its a notice only.

Warning:This functions needs to be extended for high level commands.

mixed $field_value
the incoming value of the field
string $fieldname
the name of the field
array $fielddefs
the field definitions
Returns void

See Also $error, $errors, $notice


private mixed _process_external_for_field( string $func_usage, mixed $field_value, string $fieldname, array $fielddefs )

  Processes command for a field only
This function runs commands for a field only. Otherwise it does exactly the sameas process_external.

Warning:This functions needs to be extended for high level commands.

string $func_usage
The context in which the command is used, ie the "event"
mixed $field_value
the incoming value of the field
string $fieldname
the name of the field
array $fielddefs
the field definitions
Returns mixed

processed field value


private void process_rowfuncs( )

  Processes row level commands
Processes functions which are run on a whole table row. Like process_externalthe function names listed in the "rowcommand" array associated with thetable definitions are executed. The return value is transported into thenotice array.

Returns void

See Also $notice, $currrow


private void _process_form_formatting_funcs( )

  Processes form formatting commands
Processes functions which are run after the form has been build.

Returns void

See Also $notice, $currrow


private void process_filter( )

  Processes filters from different sources into the local filter settings
Preprocesses filters, so that they can be used with the db layer.The function merges the filter settings from the db definitions andthe session state variable gadmfilter. The latter one overwritesfilter settings from the first one.After that the filter values of the filter_block are merged and overwriteall field filters before.The results are processed intoa sql compatible where clause (without where) and stored in$this->filter

Returns void

See Also $filter


private string get_filter( )

  Returns the current filter settings and preprocesses them if necessary

Returns string

filter string for sql where clause

See Also $filter, process_filter()


private void _check_settings( )

  Checks settings, generic admin can't run without

Returns void


private void prepare_filterblock( )


Warning: documentation is missing.

Returns void


private void cancelled( )


Warning: documentation is missing.

Returns void


private void get_sort_order( )


Warning: documentation is missing.

Returns void


private void quot( $un_quoted )


Warning: documentation is missing.

Warning: documentation is missing.
Returns void


private void unquot( $quoted )


Warning: documentation is missing.

Warning: documentation is missing.
Returns void


private void handle_error( )


Warning: documentation is missing.

Returns void

Public Field Details


public int $pagesize


Stores the current page size
This is used to support paging on the tabular views. If this property hasa positive value, the displayed tables will be limited to pagesize rows.


public int $page


Stores the current page
This is used to support paging on the tabular views. In the tabular viewsthis page of the data will be displayed. The first page has the number 1.


public int $pk


Stores the value of the primary key.
This value is set by handle_request, if the action affects only one row

See Also handle_request()


public array $block_filter


Stores the values of the filter block
This value is either calculated by build_filter_block or can be set fromthe outside. It represents the settings for each filter in the filterblock.The data is represented as in the underlying table.

See Also build_filter_block()


public int $filter


Stores the current value of the filter settings
The filter value is set by process_filter, which compiles a where clausewithout "where" from different sources. This property can be used toaccess the filter from the outside.

See Also process_filter()

Private Field Details


private array $dbdef


Contains a reference to the db definition array
The db definition array contains all information used to produce data editingpages by generic_admin.The structure is the following:

$dbdef["TableName"] = TableDefinitions
Defines the TableName "TableName", which is actually an alias to areal database table.

Tabledefinitions = array(
    "tablename" => "phys_tablename",
    "selecttablename" => "phys_readonly_tablename",
    "nicename_sing" => "nicename_in_singular"
,    "nicename_plur" => "nicename_in_plural"
,    "accessrole" => Connection data
,    "linkname" => Linkname
,    "pk" => Primary Key,
    "firstdispcol" => "first disp col",
    "letteranchors" => "anchor col",
    "actions" => TableActions,
    "rowfuncs" => RowFunctions,
    "coloring" => Coloring,
    "changetext" => "Changetext",
    "detailtext" => "Detailtext",
    "deletetext" => "Deletetext",
    "nochangebuttin" => "yes",
    "nodetailbutton" => "yes",
    "nodeletebuttun" => "yes",
    "fields" => TableFields
    "sort_order" => SortOrder
    "filter" => TableFilter

- tablename specifies the physical (seen from the databaseabstraction layer) table, which is used for the TableName.
- phys_readonly_tablename specifies the table name, which isused in the tabular view and the details view. This can contain fieldsfrom other tables. If not set, the normal tablename will be used.
- nicename_in_singular specifies a name of the table to displayto the user. This is the singular form.
,- nicename_in_plural this is the plural form.
,- Linkname Use this link to the database. If it doesn't exist,connect to the database again.
,- firstdispcol specifies the field, which will be used, if thevalue of a field has to be displayed, but there is none specified(eg. for a referencing foreign key)
- letteranchors specifies to put an Anchor with the first letterof the specified column into the first field of the row in thetable view where a new letter begins. Works with letters at themoment only.
- changetext is the text of the Change Button in the tabularview,which leads to the form block display. You can specify a picturehere for example.
- detailtext does the same for the detail view.
- deletetext does the same for the detail action.
- nochangebutton prevents the change button from being displayed.Of course "changetext" is ignored then.
- nodetailbutton does the same with the detail button
- nodeletebutton does the same with the delete button

Connection data = array(
  "dbtype" => Database Type (MSSQL, IFX)
  "dbhost" => Database Host name
  "dbname" => Database Name
  "dbuser" => User Name
  "dbpass" => Password

- Specifies all data to connect to a database. This can also be used to connect withdifferent user names.

Primary Key = "column" or
Primary Key = array("column1", "column2", ...)

- Specifies a primary key in one column, or a composite key overmultiple columns. This is used to identify rows with the databaseabstraction layer.

TableActions = array("actionname1" => "actionfunction1", ...)
- specifies to call the function "actionfunction1", if generic_admin iscalled with the action "action1". This can be used to call external functionalitylike resetting passwords, or displaying more complex confirmation messages.Appropriate links must be assembled in the function.

RowFunctions = array("rowfunction1", ...)
- specifies a function to be called for every row of the table views as well asonce for the detail/form views.

Coloring = array("row_odd" => odd_color,"row_even" => even_color,"row_highlight" => hl_color)
- specifies colors to be attached to the template in the table view, when aodd or even row is displayed. The highlight-color can be used to have a differentone for highlighting the row with javascript.

SortOrder = array("sortcol1", "sortcol2",...)
- Specifies the table view to be sorted by the specified columns, based on theunformatted data. This is passed to the database abstraction layer. Descendingorder can be specified by adding " desc" to the column name. " asc" will work as well.
<br/ >TableFilter = array("col1" => "cond1", ...)
- Specifies the table data to be filtered by column "col1" with "cond1". The conditionin "cond1" must cobtain the operator and the value of the condition, ie."<> 1" or "< 'a'". This functionality can be used to implement views on the php level.

TableFields = array("fieldname1" => array(FieldData), "fieldname2" => array(FieldData))
- this specifies the columns of the table, which are used in the display.

FieldData = array(
    "dispname" => "Display Text",
    "datatype" => "datatype value",
    "disptype" => "display type",
    "tplparse" => TemplateData,
    "length" => "field length",
    "watchedupdate" => "yes",
    "omitintable" => "yes",
    "omitindetail" => "yes",
    "omitinform" => "yes",
    "dbignore" => "yes",
    "dbselect" => "yes",
    "sqlpackage" => "Package string",
    "filter" => FilterSetup,
    "inputfuncs" => FunctionList,
    "ip2dbfuncs" => FunctionList,
    "db2topfuncs" => FunctionList,
    "db2fopfuncs" => FunctionList,
    "db2dopfuncs" => FunctionList,
    "insert" => FunctionList,
    "update" => FunctionList,
    "delete" => FunctionList,
    "commands" => Command

- dispname specifies the description of the column in the headerof the table views and the description of the row in thedetail/form views.
- datatype defines the data this column contains. This can either be:
    "str": for strings. This will be enclosed with '' in the db layer.(also default)
    "int": for integers. The value will be casted to int by the db layer.
    "float": for float values. The value will be casted to float.
- disptype is used to determine the kind of html to handle this field in the form block.See build_form_block() for details.
- length specifies the length of the field. This is used when building forms from thedata specification.
- watchedupdate specifies to update the row only, if it has been changed. This is at themoment only supported for tabularedit.
- omitintable prevents the column from being displayed in the table views.
- omitindetail does the same for detail view. This will most be used for big tables,together with "omitintable" to show the most important information.
- omitinform does the same for form view.
- dbignore if set, lets the database layer ignore this field. This can be used todisplay action buttons for each field.
- dbselect if set, the database layer uses this field in select queries only. This is used tohave fields from other tables in the table view
- sqlpackage used to pack a fieldname in an expression in SQL. This can be used to run functionson fields, before requesting them, like CAST or CONVERT
- inputfuncs This functions will be called, when checking the input of a submittedform view, either inserting or updating.
- filterinputfuncs This functions will be called, when checking the input of a submittedfilter block.
- db2topfuncs Called, when data is displayed in a tabular view, after the Rowfunctions.- db2dopfuncs Called, when data is displayed in the detail view, after the Rowfunctions.- db2fopfuncs Called, when data is displayed in the form view, after the Rowfunctions.- ip2dbfuncs Called, before inserting into or update on the database. This can be used fordata, which is displayed differently than it is stored in the database, eg. timestamps.
- insert Called, after data is inserted into the database. This can be used to do somethingwith a newly created autonumber
- update Called, before data is inserted into the database.
- delete Called, after data is deleted from the database.

TemplateData = array("TPLNAME1" => "value1",...)
- specifies key-value combinations which are handed trough to the templatesystem each time this field is displayed. This can be used to specify a fixedwidth of a table column or a css class.

FunctionList = array("function1",...)
- specifies functions which are called at certain points (see before). The actualfunction name has a "gadm_" as preceeding characters.

FilterSetup = array(
  operator => "operator",  display => "display",)

- This array sets up a filter field in the filter block.
operator specifies the operator used in the query. Can be ofarray("=", "<>", "<", "<=", ">", ">=", "contains"). "contains" istranslated into a "like" statement.
display Is used to display the meaning of the operator to the user.Use values like "equals", "contains", "smaller than", "before"

Command = array(
  "type" => "commandtype",
  "otherinfo1" => "data1",...

- this Array contains specifications for high level commands.
- type specifies the class of the command. The command is thenimplemented with the classname defined in gadmcommand as adescendent of gadmcommand.
All other info is command type specific.


private mixed $tpl


Used to store a reference to the Template System


private object db_connect $db


Used to store a reference to the Database Layer


private object sess_manager $sess


Used to store a reference to the State/URL Manager


private string $table


Stores the current table, we're working on


private string $gadmaction


Stores the currently valid action
This is mainly used for communication between handle_request() and thefunction that build blocks


private array $notice


Stores notices
Notices are positive messages, like "Row has been updated". Messages arestored in an array following each other.


private array $errors


Stores errors
Errors are negative messages, which eg. result from input checking. Messages arestored in an array following each other.


private int $error


Stores, if there's an error.
Is 1, if there has been an errorm, otherwise 0


private array $currrow


Stores the current data row
This is mainly used by "strategized" (external) functions and commands tohave data to work on.


private array $tabular_data


Stores the current data rows of a table edit view


private unknown $subtables



private unknown $is_tabular


Included Files, Type: include


include( dirname(__FILE__)."/gadmrowcommand.php" )

Special command class, which handles a command run on a complete row, not on single


include( dirname(__FILE__)."/gadmintertablecommand.php" )

Special command class for foreign key relationships.


include( dirname(__FILE__)."/gadmenumerationcommand.php" )

Special command class for fields that contain enumerations.


include( dirname(__FILE__)."/command_factory.php" )

Class, that is used to instantiate the different command classes, depending
on the special class selected.


include( dirname(__FILE__)."/gadmcommand.php" )


include( dirname(__FILE__)."/gadmdatecommand.php" )

Packageindex Classtrees Modulegroups Elementlist Report XML Files
PHPDoc 1.0beta